Thursday, June 13, 2002, 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Room: 288

  System on Chip Design
  Chair: Rolf Ernst - Tech. Univ. of Braunschweig, Braunschweig, DEU
  Organizers: Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Miodrag Potkonjak

  SoC is the enabling technology that will close the gap between exponentially growing silicon potential and designers productivity. In modern design, memory most often dominate transistor budget. The first paper proposes solution to smoothly integrate embedded memories in complex SoCs. The second paper introduces a revolutionary protocol design technique which enables exptional improvements on industrial design. Final two papers address focused but important problems in System design: efficient use of background memory and design of multiprecision circuit.

Automatic Generation of Embedded Memory Wrapper for Multiprocessor SoC

  Speaker(s): Ferid Gharsalli - TIMA Lab., Grenoble, France
  Author(s): Ferid Gharsalli - TIMA Lab., Grenoble, France
Samy Meftali - TIMA Lab., Grenoble, France
Frederic Rousseau - TIMA Lab., Grenoble, France
Ahmed Jerraya - TIMA Lab., Grenoble, France
A Novel Synthesis Technique for Communication Controller Hardware from Declarative Data Communication Protocol Specifications
  Speaker(s): Robert Siegmund - Tech. Univ. of Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
  Author(s): Robert Siegmund - Tech. Univ. of Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Dietmar Müller - Tech. Univ. of Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
An Integrated Algorithm for Memory Allocation and Assignment in High-Level Synthesis
  Speaker(s): Jaewon Seo - KAIST, Taejon, Korea
  Author(s): Jaewon Seo - KAIST, Taejon, Korea
Taewhan Kim - KAIST, Taejon, Korea
Preeti R. Panda - Synopsys, Inc., Mountain View, CA
High-Level Synthesis of Multiple-Precision Circuits Independent of Data-Objects Length
  Speaker(s): Maria C. Molina - Complutense Univ., Madrid, Spain
  Author(s): Maria C. Molina - Complutense Univ., Madrid, Spain
Jose M. Mendias - Complutense Univ., Madrid, Spain
Roman Hermida - Complutense Univ., Madrid, Spain